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PSSA Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

At we take great pride in our practice tests and their ability to help you pass your Pennsylvania System of School Assessment certification exam. We are confident in our ability to help you pass your PSSA exam and look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

We offer 10 different exams utilizing 740 unique questions specifically designed to help you pass your PSSA certification exam. Our practice tests simulate the actual testing experiences by covering the required competencies and incorporating content and the application of skills necessary for you to be ready for opportunities requiring certification by the PSSA.

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Who is Pennsylvania System of School Assessment ?

Who is the PSSA?

The PSSA is an acronym that refers to the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment. This is a standardized test administered in public schools in the state of Pennsylvania for the purpose of measuring the academic achievement of students. The PSSA exams are organized by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Where do you take their certification exams?

The PSSA tests are typically taken at the student's school during a designated testing period. The specific location within the school can vary, but it is often in a quiet and comfortable environment conducive to concentration.

Steps to Taking the PSSA Exams

Step 1: Eligibility and Application

All students in grades 3-8 and grade 11 in Pennsylvania public schools are eligible to take the PSSA exams. There is no need to apply for the exams, as they are a compulsory part of the curriculum. Test schedules and details are usually provided by the school administration or teachers.

Step 2: Scheduling the Exam

The PSSA exams are typically held in the spring. The specific dates can vary from year to year, but the Pennsylvania Department of Education publishes an annual testing calendar on its website. Schools will also provide information on the exact timing of the exams.

Step 3: Taking the Exam

On the day of the exam, students should arrive at school on time and be prepared to focus on the test. The tests are administered in a proctored environment. The specific format of the exam can vary depending on the subject, but all exams include a mix of multiple-choice and open-ended questions.

Location Information and Website

The PSSA exams are administered in public schools throughout the state of Pennsylvania. For more information on the PSSA, including the testing calendar and resources for preparation, you can visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education's website at